Friday, November 26, 2010

Say No to Racism..Racial Discrimination And What You Can To Do Combat It

Selamat Sejahtera & gud moning kepada sesiapa yang terbukak blog yang tidak seberapa ni...Today 3.45p.m..i'd try to write in english again..mat salleh cakap practice make better cultural factors maybe of skinheads led me tp write fluently and well and speak tapi mungkin kerana faktor pergaulan dan mungkin kurang bertutur  dalam english penyebab aku makin lupa pada setiap perkataan dan kian melupai english..budaya skinhead itulah pendorong aku untuk berspeaking dan cuba menguasai english.i'd tried to be my self in da past..aku cuba coba mencoba try test mempraktikkannya pada hari ini..hehe.
Kita start sekarang
For me la kan pada apa didalam peti simpanan minda aku pasal stereotype..rasicm..diskriminasi dan prejudice..
aku bukan nak fight ideologi or knowledge ke pe tetapi ni dari segi pemikiran aku yang cetek dan tidak seberapa..otak didalam kranium ini peratusan aku mengunakkannya mungkin 1 atau 2% sahaja..
What is meant by stereotype?? rasicm dan discrimination??
Ni dari segi  mind yang tidak seberapa ni berkenaan stereotype.For me stereotype adalah "set image" the word comes from process of making plates for printing.when people applied to people. Stereotyping refers to forming an instant or fixed picha of a group of people.Usually based on false or incomplete information.Stereotype r often negative weh!. 
ok.whats r discrimination plk? Discrimination is the denial of quality based on personal characteristics such as race and colour. Diskriminasi ni usually based on prejudice and stereotype dan diskriminasi ni merupakan satu amalan yang biasa kita tgk kt sekeliling kita dan berpunca akibat kecenderungan manusia untuk membeza-bezakan antara satu sama lain mungkin dari such as race and colour.Discrimination can be made from a variety of contexts from the singles to the firms and government institutions.
Dan perkara yang sangat sensitif adalah Racism. Dan benda ni paling sensitif,Salah masuk comform kena cop "lalang".Banyak jugak band di Malaysia ni anti racism.Dan ada organisasi cuba menentang racism ni.untuk apa kita terapkan sifat racism dalam diri? and for me RACISM
Is the mistreatmeatof a group of people on the basic of race,colour,religion ,national origin place of origin or ancestry.The term racism may also denote a blind unreasoning hatred. Envy or prejudice. Some expressions of racism are obvious such as graffiti,intimidation or physical violene.Racial and ethnic slur or so called jokes are ither example of obvious racial discrimination.Unfortunately,they are often ignored because people do not know how to deal with them.Other expressions pf racism are more subtle, such as discrimination in hiring,apartment rental and admission to clubs

to be continue

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Little Sweet Mimi

                                                 Sometimes people call Buroo0o0k wo0o0o0o...
                                                           Sometimes people say awesome..

                                        kenapa ek ada sesetengah orang pandang hina kat vespa??
             sebab apa?? sometime ada gak persepsi orang cmni
"euw! pakai motor buruk mcm orang tua" 
"mak aih!! dlm banyak-banyak motor,motor ni ko pakai??"
"ko pakai besi burok ni..kang satu-satu tercabut kang" 
kenapa dorang cakap macam tu??

- mybe dorang bajet high class gile babi ah!
- maklumlah skang zaman motor kapcai LC,125z,RXZ baru pandang..kepale butoh!.
 tapi kalau dapat awek memilih gile babi mesti 1st sekali mesti dorang cakap camni.
"u datang naik pe?? vespa ke?? xnk lah i.."
 minah camni bajet jatuh standart. fuck weh! 

Sometimes ada gak org yg tergile-gile..haha
maklumlah ada gak sebilangan orang KL yang batak
sometime msti dorang cakap camni
"pergh!! gile ah,gile cantik scooter tu"
"mak aih,laju gile scooter tu"
dan apa saja yang anda terpikir

Dan kesimpulan disini
Lebih Baik Vespa dan ianya semestinya buatan italy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bosan Boring

Wednesday morning mad bored ..and art today.. cmnilah jadinya..nak wat keje dalam adobe.. nak buat lain tapi  jadinya..aiya..

                                                          Wednesday morning yang boring

                           monoloquesangkarpo penjaga hutan


5 Ways To Save The World!

hi! yo wassup!!! hahaTengah bosan pepagi buta ni rase cm nk mnaip plk..
sometimes tu terpikir gak dgn skeliling aku
mcm-mcm la things happen..kes throw away the baby la..murder la..bus accident lah.
di pepagi nk mampos cenggini terpikir alam plk..haha.. dan sambil dgr natura sound Therapy 5 bende ni yg dpt d keluarkan dr otak..hahaha..It’s no secret that the world’s natural resources are limited and endangered. Despite all efforts to save the world by gaining support globally for environmentally sound programs there remains some resistance. There is hope, however, in the fact that every individual can help save the world by setting a priority in their daily living activities by making ecologically sound choices. There are 5 ways to save the world ecology that are easily done by individuals no matter where they reside

1. Have a smaller carbon footprint

Do some calculations to determine your carbon footprint. With a smaller carbon footprint you create less pollution and help save the world. Go online and use one of many carbon footprint calculators that are offered to see
what kind of human footprint you are creating. The carbon footprint is a method of determining what impact a human has on the environment. One way to save the world is to reduce your carbon footprint by changing your lifestyle. Much human activity causes the release of greenhouse gases including CO2 into the atmosphere which can cause global warming. You can reduce your carbon footprint by doing things like planting a tree, driving less or driving a more efficient car. Knowing what foods to buy is another way to save the world. Foods that require less processing and fertilizer are kinder to the environment.

2. Stop buying bottled water

Water is another limited resource but a necessity to have to save the world. Many people enjoy bottle water but using bottled water is not ecologically sound. Besides possible health risks, the process for making the bottles can harm the environment and waste is another problem. Bottle production requires the use of fossil fuels and toxic chemicals in the plastic bottles can harm health and leach out as pollution. Save the world by using fewer plastic liquid containers.

3. Use less gas and electricity

Another way to save the world is to use less gas and electricity. Combine errands into one trip so you drive fewer miles. Trade in a gas guzzler for a more efficient car. Carpool to work or take public transportation. Better still, walk or ride your bicycle. Your efforts to save the world help reduce larger emissions from power plants. Use energy efficient appliances and power saver settings. Replace incandescent bulbs with long lasting energy saver CFL bulbs.

4. Recycle

Recycling is well known by people in most modern countries. Set up a home recycling center by using several boxes or bins and separate out items for recycling. Collect cardboard, plastic, glass, paper and metal in the containers. Children will enjoy your attempt to save the world in this fashion. Kids have fun helping out especially when they can dump the bins into the recycling center containers. Recycling is simple enough that even the youngest children can understand about doing the separating. Take care with disposal of your batteries and other hazardous materials to see that they get to the proper place for recycling. Extend your effort to save the world by shopping for recyclables and buying from resale stores, using libraries and rental stores.

Plant a tree

Another old favorite in the effort to save the world is to plant a tree. Plant many trees! Reforestation is an excellent group project and can be done in many places. Trees actually contribute more oxygen into the atmosphere than other green things like grass. As world forests are being depleted it is more important than ever to replace these giant oxygen generators. This is a save the world effort that should be done liberally at home. Make it a family occasion and plant a tree to honor each child. Help save the world by starting at home!

Penjaga Hutan Anda
Iwan Redmonkees